3 Quartets for Horn, Violin, Viola and Violoncello
About the life of the horn player Antoine Buch, little is known. But in music lexicon of Gerber there is an entry:
Buch (...) a German concert horn player and composer in the orchestra of the Grand Opera in Paris printed one of his works in 1788: III Quartetti a Corno primo, V., A. et B. Op. 1 Paris
They were devoted to the horn player Jean Lebrun (1759 - 1809), who would later go to Berlin as 1st hornist. Lebrun learned the horn by Giovanni Punto and Jean Joseph Rodolphe (Rudolphe).
In 1796 Antoine Buch is mentioned as a teacher at the Paris Conservatoire:
Cors 1 Duvernoy, Buch, Simrock
Cors 2 Domnich, Kenn, Schwendt
There are also entries for Professeur Buch that he seems to have left the Conservatoire in the reform and the associated reduction of the teaching staff in 1802.