About Carl Ernesti biography, there are few details, he played von 1840 - 1873 as a horn player in the Munich Court Orchestra. He was a pupil of Sebastian Rauch, that was principal horn at the Munich Court Orchestra until 1828, Carl Maria von Weber arranged for Rauch 1815 for his Concertino for Horn.
Ernesti 1849 composed setting of the poem "In German skipper home" from Dessauer poet Gustav Rasmus is not the first for over 10 years before that, in 1837, appeared at the Dresden Music publisher CF Meser a print of "Four Songs" op.30 by Carl Gottlieb Reißiger (1798 - 1859). Busy with soprano, horn and piano this pressure as No.2 also includes the text of Rasmus.
One may assume that Ernesti knew this print, he filled his composition according to the title with tenor and called these changed something in the title of "The German skipper homesickness". In the voting, however, the Description he names vocals only "voice".
This work is published in the first edition herewith.
Scope of the voice = f' - g''
Des deutschen Schiffers Heimweh!
Die Wolken ziehen so stille
im freundlichen Sonnenstrahl,
ach könnt ich mit ihnen segeln
zum heimathlichen Thal-,
Wohl fern am blauen Gewässer
winkt drüben ein grüner Strand
mit mächtigen dunkeln Eichen
das ist mein Vaterland
Dort klingen kräftige Lieder,
aus freier und froher Brust,
dort rauschen der Sänger Saiten
beseelt von Sangeslust
Was regt sich mir in dem Busen?
Was ist mir das Herz so schwer?
ach, das ich am fernen Strande
in deutscher Heimath wär!